Human BRCA1 protein sequence

Protein size: 1861 amino acids (aa)
Accession number: NP_009225.1

Isoform 1 (BRCA1a)
This isoform was chosen because it is most frequently occurring transcript. 10 other variants have been described (Entrez).

The following file shows the sequence in FASTA format.

File Size: 100 kb
File Type: docx
Download File

Homologs and alignments
Similarity of protein sequences of human BRCA1 protein to proteins in other organisms evolved from a common ancestral gene

Formation of trees to show relatedness of proteins between organisms based on protein sequence


Use of databases that contain information on regions of the protein based on function

Protein interactions
Putting BRCA1 in the context of other cellular proteins in terms of physical interactions,

Site created by Jessica D. Kueck
Genetics 677 Assignment, Spring 2009
University of Wisconsin-Madison